Grants for California Schools to Become Ocean Guardians
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Office of National Marine Sanctuaries has announced it is offering "Ocean Guardian” grants of up to $6,000 to a number of California schools whose students create a school or community-based conservation project that protects their local watershed and the ocean. Kindergarten through high schools are eligible in the California counties of Marin, San Francisco, Alameda, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, Monterey, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura. A total of $100,000 is being made available through the grant program.
Interested schools can contact Seaberry Nachbar by e-mail at to receive an application and guidelines on how to create an action plan for implementing an Ocean Guardian School. You can find additional information on the Ocean Guardian School Web page
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