Friday, November 21, 2008

MEAF Inclusion Champion Award -- DEADLINE: Dec 1

Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation

Inclusion Champion Award

The MEAF Inclusion Champion Award honors individuals who have made significant efforts to promote the full inclusion of youth with disabilities in society. The focus of the efforts may include, but is not limited to, helping to create a culture of inclusion within an organization or community or developing innovative strategies for inclusive programming in: school activities, after-school programs, community service, and leadership development.

The Inclusion Champion is selected each year by a panel of experts in the field, and is presented during the Kids Included Together (KIT) annual conference in April. The award consists of a trophy and $1000 donated to the charity of the Champion's choice.

Criteria for selection:

  • Evidence that attitudes have changed and inclusion has been embraced due to the individual's efforts

  • Measurable impact on the lives of young people with and without disabilities due to the individual's efforts

  • Sustainability of inclusion outcomes

To nominate, please send a letter (maximum 2 pages exclusive of attachments) with the following information:

  1. Name of nominated individual and contact information;

  2. Name of nominator and contact information;

  3. Detailed description of individual's inclusion efforts and their outcomes;

  4. Where possible, include testimony of children and others impacted by these efforts;

  5. Photos, media articles and support letters may be attached (note that these items will not be returned).

Please submit your nomination via email or mail by December 1, 2008 to:

Inclusion Champion Award
Kids Included Together
2820 Roosevelt Rd, Suite 202
San Diego, CA 92106
