Thursday, February 4, 2010

California Health Science Capacity Building Project

California Health Science Capacity Building Project

Deadline: March 15, 2010

The Health Science Pathway Programs is intended to build the capacity of quality Health Science Pathway Programs statewide. This project is an effort to prepare an adequate number of qualified workers to meet the critical worker shortages in the health-care industry.
Funds may be used to establish new Health Science Pathway Programs or to enhance existing Health Science Pathway Programs. Grant funds may be used to either establish a new Health Science Pathway Program or to enhance an existing Health Science Pathway Program. Successful grantees will be expected to develop a standards-based curriculum, to develop a coherent sequence of courses, and to provide health science content and context inclusive of grades seven through twelve. Grant funds must not be used for maintaining existing programs.
Eligible Applicants: local educational agencies
Grant Amounts: $50,000 - $75,000
Grade levels: 9, 10, 11, 12,

For more information: