State Farm California Environmental Grant Program
Deadline: Jan. 14, 2011
State Farm California will be awarding five $5,000 grants to California public high schools or non-profit organizations whose work directly benefits California public high schools. From December 1, 2010 to January 14, 2011, submit the grant application form to tell us about an environmental program that needs funding at your local high school.
Programs applying for grant funding must meet the following requirements:
- Applications will be accepted from California public high schools (or non-profit organizations whose work directly benefits public high schools)
- Programs must address an environmental initiative within one of the following categories: driving – minimizing your carbon footprint; recycling – home or school; promoting healthy lifestyles; community outreach
- Programs must be supported by a teacher or administrator of the high school where the grant is being funded
- Projects should include intentional ties to classroom academics while addressing green issues
- Southern California
- Los Angeles
- Central California
- San Francisco/Bay Area
- Northern California
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