Friday, February 27, 2009

Community Based Learn and Serve Grant Opportunity due March 23rd

CaliforniaVolunteers, in its role as the state service commission, is pleased to announce the availability of grant funding to support partnerships that will implement community-based service-learning projects. If you are interested in applying, please download and read our Request for Applications and accompanying instructions, and submit your concept paper to our office by March 23, 2009.

Learn and Serve America Community-Based grants are designed to involve school-age youth (K-12) in community-based service learning programs that provide direct and demonstrable educational, public safety, human, or environmental service and to provide training and technical assistance to youth service organizations. Learn and Serve’s parent agency, the Corporation for National and Community Service anticipates the availability of approximately $4.2 million for the state commissions to provide subgrants, training, and other assistance to local partnerships to implement community-based service learning projects. These funds will be awarded nationally to an estimated five to eight eligible applicants with awards ranging from approximately $350,000 to $450,000 annually for a project period of up to three years.

CaliforniaVolunteers anticipates that the 2009 Learn and Serve grantmaking process will be a competitive one at the national level, based on limited funds. Please note the below timeline for concept paper submissions. Please also check our Web site for updates.

2009 Grantmaking timeline:

• Request for Application Released – February 24, 2009 • Concept Papers Due – March 23, 2009 • Preliminary Funding Announcements – April 1, 2009

FINAL DEADLINE: Applicant Submission to the Corporation – April 14, 2009

Web site link to RFA and supporting documents:

GreenWorks! Grant Program

Project Learning Tree® (PLT) is an award-winning national environmental education program for educators and their students in grades PreK-12. GreenWorks! is the service-learning, community action program of PLT that partners PLT educators, students, and communities in environmental neighborhood improvement projects. GreenWorks! blends service activities with the academic curriculum and addresses real community needs as students learn through active engagement.

Since 1992, more than $650,000 has been distributed to fund over 870 environmental projects in communities across the country.
GreenWorks! Grant Guidelines and Application - Deadline April 30, 2009

In addition, Esurance is supporting GreenWorks! grants of up to $6,000 for schools in Denver, CO; Phoenix, AZ; and Sacramento, CA.

GreenWorks! action projects make a difference in young people's sense of responsibility toward their communities, and in their understanding of their relationship to the environment. Some examples of past grant projects include habitat restoration, watershed improvement, outdoor classrooms, and energy conservation.

PLT provides a helpful guidebook with practical ideas and pointers for getting a GreenWorks! project off and running.

For more information, go to

Teens for Planet Earth Service Awards

Applications are now being accepted for the 2009 Teens for Planet Earth Service Awards. This is a team application to be completed by all team members including your adult advisor. Your completed application must be postmarked on or before Wednesday, April 15, 2009. Mail all of the materials together in one packet. Applicants will be notified no later than June 30, 2009.

If you are interested in applying, please note the following requirements:

1. A team is one or more teens, ages 13 through 19, from around the world. You must be 13 years of age by April 15, 2009 to apply.

2. Your project was created, planned, and carried out by you! It should demonstrate a positive impact on specific species of native wildlife, either directly or indirectly. The project should show some evidence of sustainability – it should somehow continue to benefit your local community even after you have done most of the work.

3. The majority of the service-learning project must have been completed within the last 24 months.

4. Your team must be registered online with Teens for Planet Earth.

5. International applications are highly encouraged. However, your application must be submitted in English. We regret that we are unable to offer translation services at this time.

Click here for the 2009 TPE Service Awards application. Please type your answers directly into the form, print it out, make a copy for your records, and mail it in according to the directions.

For more information about the application as well as the Teens for Planet Earth program, contact Judy Unis, Teens for Planet Earth Coordinator, at (country code 01) 718-741-1685 or at

Washington Campus Compact Grant Opportunity

Learn and Serve America Letter of Interest
Priority Due Date: March 12, 2009

Washington Campus Compact (WACC) is a statewide consortium of 34 higher education institutions that have joined together to advance the public purposes of colleges and universities, to help students become engaged leaders in their communities, and to strengthen communities. WACC is part of a national network, with 32 affiliated state offices and more than 1,200 colleges and universities as members. WACC advocates for civic engagement and service-learning to address critical education and community issues; provides grants, resources, and training to member institutions; and builds state and regional networks of leaders committed to social change. For more information:

Washington Campus Compact (WACC) is seeking a Letter of Interest from member and nonmember institutions to participate in the 2009-2012 Learn and Serve America grant. Grant funds will support competitively selected member institutions (pending WACC’s receipt of grant funding). To submit your Letter of Interest, please provide:
  • a brief statement (one to three pages describing your plans and how they align with Learn and Serve America’s two focus areas)

  • the completed Cover Page.

If your Letter of Interest is selected, you will be invited to submit a full proposal.

Learn and Serve America has two priority areas:

1. Creating and/or expanding initiatives engaging campuses and the communities they
serve. Activities should focus on assisting with economic recovery and strengthening the vitality of the nonprofit and social service sectors.

2. Promoting student leadership through program models incorporating student-initiated and student-led service and service-learning activities addressing critical social needs, particularly those resulting from economic downturn.
Value: $15,000 subgrants

Investment: Approximately 2:1 in-kind match

Please note that continuing Learn and Serve America grantees will be expected to assume a leadership role as part of the 2009-2012 grant cycle.

Washington Campus Compact member institutions may apply for the Learn and Serve project by submitting a Letter of Interest. Letter of Interest should be 1–3 pages (not including the Cover Page), and should cover the following:

1. Describe the community needs—either pre-existing needs that have worsened due to the economic downturn or new challenges—being addressed, and any data to support these needs.

2. Briefly describe your proposed project/program and how it specifically relates to one or both of the focus areas as described in the Focus Areas of Learn and Serve America section above.

3. Continuing grantees only: Describe how your campus would play a leadership role during the 2009–2012 grant cycle.
Submit one (1) electronic copy and one (1) original.

E-mail electronic copy to:

Include in subject line: Letter of Interest: Learn and Serve America

Mail one original to:

Washington Campus Compact
c/o Western Washington University
516 High St., MS 5291
Bellingham, WA 98225-5996

Courier Service Address
Washington Campus Compact
405 32nd St., Suite 229
Bellingham, WA 98225

RaeLyn Axlund

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

IGESL seeking middle school sub-grantees

IGESL SEEKING MIDDLE SCHOOL SUB-GRANTEES IN Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, & Delaware FOR YESS (Youth Engaged in STEM & Service) PROGRAM

The purpose of the Learn and Serve America (LSA)/Institute for Global Education and Service Learning (IGESL) YESS program is to engage young people in service-learning activities that address community needs in order to build healthy communities. The YESS program will strengthen ties between schools, families and communities through service-learning and the use of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) curriculum to promote healthy personal environments, family/school environments and community environments. It is the goal of the IGESL, through the YESS program, to encourage students to cultivate resilience and developmental assets while developing workplace-readiness skills, exploring career options, demonstrating active citizenship and giving back to their community through service-learning.

Schools interested in pursuing this opportunity must convene a project team of four faculty members including a minimum of one administrator and teachers from at least two STEM disciplines. Priority will be given to schools new to service-learning as well as schools servicing a high percentage of students eligible for free and reduced priced lunch.

For intent to apply information, please contact the Institute at 215-945-8118.

Sprint Character Education Grant

Application Deadline: February 27

Sprint Character Education Grant Program Acceptance Period: Feb. 2, 2009 at 9am through Feb. 27, 2009 at 6pm Maximum Award: $5,000 (Individual Schools) $25,000 (Districts)

Sprint and the Sprint Foundation are committed to supporting K–12 education initiatives within the focus area of character education. The Sprint Character Education Grant Program accepts applications for funding of character education programs promoting leadership, youth volunteerism, character education and school pride. Grants will fund the purchase of resource materials, supplies, teacher training and equipment that facilitates character education for K-12 students.

Examples of programs that the Sprint Character Education Grant Program will fund include:

* ­ Character education curriculum and character education teacher training
* ­ Direct project related costs for service learning programs
* ­ Leadership and mentor training
The program is open to all US public schools (K-12) and US public school districts and provides grant funding to support character education programs.

For more information, visit: the Sprint Character Education Grant Program at:

Friday, February 20, 2009

2009 Healthy Sprouts Awards

Statistics show that in many U.S. classrooms children who are overweight sit next to others who wonder where their next meal will come from. Many children don't have balanced diets or get enough exercise. Research conducted at Texas A&M University supports the connection between kids' food gardens and improved nutrition. Forward-thinking educators and parents agree that school gardens should be part of the solution to the diet- and exercise-related challenges children face, and they've worked hard to create youth garden programs that focus on nutrition and hunger issues.

To encourage the growth of these health-focused youth gardens, NGA
recognizes outstanding programs through the Healthy Sprouts Awards,
sponsored by Gardener's Supply Company. These awards support school and
youth garden programs that teach about nutrition and the issue of hunger in
the United States.

Eligibility and Application Process

To be eligible for the 2009 Healthy Sprouts Awards, your school or organization must plan to garden in 2010 with at least 15 children between the ages of 3 and 18. The selection of winners is based on the demonstrated relationship between the garden program and nutrition and hunger issues in the United States.

This year we will present awards to 20 schools or organizations. Each program will receive:

* gift certificates towards the purchase of gardening materials from our sponsoring company, Gardener's Supply Company. The top 5 will each receive a certificate valued at $500; 15 more will each receive a $200 gift certificate
* NGA's Eat a Rainbow Kit, chock full of engaging taste education and nutrition lessons
* 25 packets of seeds
* a literature package from NGA

Submission process: Applications are due by October 17, 2009.

For more information and to download an application, go to

Jordan Brand Grant

Grade 6-12 proposals from high need schools should reflect appropriate needs of students as they relate to the community in which the school exists and be focused on filling gaps in educational access for the same student population. Grants averaging $5,000 will be awarded to individual teachers for projects that will impact classroom innovation and improve instruction.

Inspiration Grants: Previous awardees of Innovation Grants may apply for an Inspiration Grant. Grants ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 will be awarded to teams of teachers to support scaling-up the implementation of successful approaches developed with Innovation Grants.

Successful proposals will demonstrate strengths found on our Eligibility and Guidelines page in addition to the following components:
• Clear and concise project descriptions
• Demonstrated connection of project objectives to student engagement and academic achievement
• Measurable outcomes and targets
• Detailed budgets and practical use of funds

Here are key Jordan Fundamentals dates to remember for the 2009 grant year:
• The grant cycle is now open and closes on March 30th
• Grant recipients to be selected in July
• Grants to be awarded in September
The Jordan Fundamentals Grant Program is funded by the Jordan Brand, a division of NIKE, Inc.
For more information visit and apply today!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Minnesota Department of Education's Service Learning Awards

Nomination forms are now available for the three 2009 Minnesota Department of Education Service Learning Awards: 1. Minnesota Student Service Awards (for projects and programs); 2. Outstanding Contributions to Service Learning (for individuals); 3. Minnesota Leader Schools and Districts (for schools and districts).

An award ceremony will be held at the Minnesota State Capitol the morning of Thursday, May 14. $100-200 mini grants will be awarded, based on funding availability, to each recipient for use in implementing service learning.

Nominations are due Friday, March 6. Forms can be found at -- search for "service learning awards."
Consider nominating someone today!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Texas Learn and Serve Grant Program

Requests for Applications (RFAs) for the Learn and Serve Texas grant program are now available. This program is for the next three-year grant cycle of the Learn and Serve America program, which continues to build on the success of the Learn and Serve America: STARS of Texas grant program. Eligible applicants include public school districts, open enrollment charter schools, and shared services arrangements (SSAs) operated by public school districts and/or education service centers in Texas. Private nonprofit schools may participate through partnerships with eligible applicants. Grant applications will be due on Friday, March 27, 2009. Applicants will need both the Instructions and the Application. Applicants who downloaded the Instructions prior to January 29 should also use the Application Reviewer Form, which will allow space to list three reviewers. Please check back on this website for additional information on webinars that will be offered to provide technical assistance on the grant. Click here to review Frequently Asked Questions.

Go to for more information.

The Case Foundation: Change Begins With Me

We are overwhelmed and inspired by the thousands of passionate people that have committed to create change in their communities. And, we want thousands more to do the same.

So, tell us your commitment for a chance to win one of five $250 Network for Good Cards every week from now until February 12. AND you will also be entered into a grand prize drawing for a volunteer vacation adventure. Network for Good Cards allow you to give much needed dollars to your favorite charities with just a click of a mouse. So make a commitment today, create change and spread the good!

So, how will YOU commit to bringing about change in your neighborhood, your community or your nation? No idea is too big or too small.

It’s easy to enter – just 2 simple steps:

1. Think about what you can do to help your community
2. Share that commitment with us for a chance to win!

What you Get:

Every Monday through February 12, we will announce five commitment makers who will receive a $250 Network For Good Card, which allow winners to donate much-needed dollars to their favorite U.S.-Based Charity. AND you will be entered into a grand prize drawing for a volunteer vacation adventure.

Go to for more information and to enter.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dollar General Adult Literacy Grant

The Dollar General Adult Literacy Grants award funding to non-profit organizations that provide direct service to adults in need of literacy assistance. Organizations must provide assistance in one of the following instructional areas:

* Adult basic education
* General education diploma preparation
* English for speakers of other languages

Grant Deadline: March 4, 2009

Grant Announcement: May 14, 2009

Go to for more information.

Monday, February 2, 2009

CalServe Initiative Partnership

CA Dept of Education Funding

Funding Name: CalServe Initiative Partnership

Eligible Applicants: local educational agencies

Required Eligibility Criteria: Federal regulations require that partnerships must include at least one public or private nonprofit community-based organization that has demonstrated expertise in meeting educational, environmental, public safety, health, and human needs. In addition, the community-based organization must have been in existence for at least one year before applying and must make service opportunities available to student participants.

Funding Description: Funding is available for the 2009-12 Learn and Serve America CalServe Initiative Partnership. To support service-learning in California, the federal Corporation for National and Community Service grants the California Department of Education approximately $2.1 million annually, of which 75 percent must be subgranted for local models of implementation.

View at