Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Nonprofit Capacity Building Program

The Nonprofit Capacity Building Program (NCBP), a new program authorized by the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, will increase the capacity of a small number of intermediary grantees to work with small and midsize nonprofits in communities facing resource hardship challenges to develop and implement performance management systems.

Grantees will provide recipients with organizational development assistance to establish procedures for measuring progress and improving performance towards intended outcomes leading to community impact.

The Corporation expects that organizations funded will focus on implementing an organizational development assistance program that emphasizes the development and implementation of performance management systems that enable nonprofit recipients to measure their progress and improve their performance toward intended outcomes. The desired organizational performance management systems may also seek to align organizational goals and services with performance plans of staff and volunteers and be used to measure and reward performance toward specific outcomes. The applicant may also provide assistance in additional areas of best practices in nonprofit management tailored to the specific needs of individual nonprofit recipients.

In Fiscal Year 2010, there is $1 million available for the Nonprofit Capacity Building Program. The Corporation expects to award 1-5 grants ranging from approximately $200,000 to $1,000,000 under this Notice. We anticipate announcing the results of this competition by the end of September, 2010.

Applications are due no later than 5:00 p.m. ET on May 18, 2010. Applications must arrive at the Corporation by the deadline in order to be considered.

For more information and application, visit

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Project Learning Tree GreenWorks! Pollinator Garden Grants

Deadline: September 30, 2010

In 2010, Project Learning Tree is offering grants to teachers and students participating in PollinatorLIVE: A Distance Learning Adventure. Participating teachers can apply for GreenWorks! funding to create pollinator gardens in their schoolyard or community. The maximum grant amount is $500.

To Receive a GreenWorks! pollinator garden grant:
1) Applicant must be trained in PLT
2) Applicant must be registered for and participate in PollinatorLIVE: A Distance Learning Adventure. To register, please visit the PollinatorLIVE website.
3) A main component of the project must include the creation of a pollinator garden on school grounds or in the community
4) Youth must implement the project
5) Project must integrate student learning and community service
6) Project must include at least one community partner
7) Project must acquire 50% matching funds (may be in-kind)

For more information:

Monday, March 29, 2010

ING Unsung Heroes

Deadline: April 30, 2010

The ING Unsung Heroes awards program recognizes innovative and progressive thinking in education through monetary awards. Each year, 100 educators are selected to receive $2,000 to help fund their innovative class projects. Three of those are chosen to receive the top awards of an additional $5,000, $10,000 and $25,000. Eligibility: full-time educators, teachers, principals, paraprofessionals, or classified staff members with effective projects that improve student learning at an accredited K-12 public or private school.

For more information:

2010 Spirit of Service Awards

Deadline: April 12, 2010

The Corporation for National and Community Service is committed to recognizing and celebrating outstanding service by their volunteers and members. The Spirit of Service Awards pay tribute to the most outstanding participants in each of the Corporation's programs - including Senior Corps, AmeriCorps and Learn and Serve America. Awards will be presented to the winners during special ceremonies at the 2010 National Conference on Volunteering and Service, June 28-30, in New York City. Nominations are currently being sought through April 12, 2010. Nominees must exemplify the spirit of national service, demonstrate exceptional service or leadership, and serve as role models for others in their community. Nominations should include information about the impact of the nominee's service.

For more information:

Friday, March 5, 2010

First Nations Development Institute: Native Youth and Culture Fund Grants

Deadline for Letter of Intent: March 19, 2010

First Nation's Native Youth and Culture Fund provides grants of $5,000 to $20,000 for projects that incorporate culture and tradition to address issues such as drug and alcohol abuse, teen pregnancy, mental health, and other social issues. Funded projects should focus on one or more of the following priority areas: preserving cultural and/or spiritual practices, beliefs, and values; engaging both youth and elders in activities that demonstrate methods for documenting traditional knowledge, practices, and/or beliefs; increasing youth's capacity to lead through integrated educational or mentoring programs; and increasing access to cultural customs and beliefs through the use of appropriate technologies as a means of preserving tribal language, arts, history, or other culturally relevant topics. Eligible applicants include Tribal governments, Tribal programs or Native nonprofits in or near Indian Country.

For more information:

Students Serve Grant

Deadline: March 15, 2010

Students Serve is accepting applications from college students for "serviceships." If you are a college or graduate student with an idea about how to make a difference, Students Serve can provide you with a grant to fund your volunteer service project, up to $1,000.

For more information:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes

Deadline for nominations: April 30, 2010

The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes honors outstanding young leaders who have made a significant positive difference to people and our planet. Nominees, who may range in age from 8 to 18 years old, must have been the prime mover of a service activity, and demonstrated positive spirit and high moral purpose in accomplishing their goals. Nominees must be nominated by responsible adults who have solid knowledge of the young person's heroic activities, and who are not related to the nominee.

Winners of the Barron Prize receive $2,500 to be applied to their higher education or to their service project.

For more information: