Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Poverty in the Community Grant MO Opportunity

The deadline for MO applicants is 3:00 p.m., September 16, 2009.

The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has issued a new grant application for the Learn and Serve America Service-Learning program for the 2009-2010 school year. The primary emphasis for this grant application will be poverty in the community. Applicants must direct all inquiries regarding this application to the contact person indicated on page one of the application.

Application: http://dese.mo.gov/divcareered/documents/SL_Grant_Application_2009_2010.pdf

Missouri Service-Learning Leader Schools Program

Delivery deadline for applications is Wednesday, January 06, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.

The Missouri Service-Learning Leader Schools program is a state-wide initiative that recognizes schools for their excellence in service-learning. Leader Schools, once so designated, will serve for the following two years as models of excellence for their exemplary integration of service-learning into the curriculum and the life of the school.

For more information:

Friday, August 14, 2009

Community-Based Racial Healing Request for Proposals

Application Deadline: September 30, 2009

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation is pleased to announce a new and exciting grant opportunity in response to our commitment to becoming an effective, anti-racist organization that promotes racial equity. Racial Equity refers to principles of fairness and justice. Racial equity work describes actions designed to address historic burdens as well as to remove present day barriers to equal opportunities.

This grant opportunity seeks to strengthen and bolster community-based approaches for racial healing and racial equity efforts targeting vulnerable and marginalized children. The Kellogg Foundation anticipates awarding grants up to $400,000. You are invited to submit a proposal for our Community-Based Racial Healing work as outlined in the Request for Proposals (RFP).

For more information:

2009-2010 Target Field Trip Grants

Application Deadline:November 3, 2009

Ready to get inspired? Target will award 5,000 grants of up to $800 each for the upcoming school year. As part of our commitment to education, we created the one-of-a-kind Target Field Trip Grants program. So far we’ve awarded 7,400 grants, totaling over $6 million, to educators in all 50 states. More than 729,000 students have explored the world outside the classroom with a Target Field Trip Grant!

For more information:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Financial Responsibility Curriculum Grant

Application Deadline: September 15, 2009

$aving Our Futures: A Financial Responsibility Program for Young People is an online curriculum developed by the Academy for Educational Development for the America's Promise Alliance that teaches young people in middle and high school about financial responsibility, and to advocate for smarter money management in their homes, schools, and communities. National Middle School Association has teamed up with America's Promise Alliance to develop an incentive program for the first 100 middle grades teachers who agree to implement and evaluate this important new curriculum. Apply today for your chance to:

Earn $500 in NMSA Gift Certificates
The first 100 applicants to teach at least three modules of the curriculum and submit their evaluation along with an outline of a financial responsibility service-learning project their class could implement will receive $500 in gift certificates good for all NMSA products, events, and other resources.

Receive $1,000 for a Service-Learning Project

NMSA and APA will select 10 of the financial responsibility service-learning project outlines and award those schools with $1,000 to implement their plan and submit a report of the outcome.

Win a Class Trip to Washington, D.C.
One grand prize winner will be selected to engage in a semester-long, financial responsibility service-learning project including a completely customized class trip to Washington, D.C. valued at $50,000.

For more information:

KIDS Consortium Service-Learning Mini-Grant

Application Deadline: August 31, 2009
Who May Apply: (CT, MA, ME, NH, NY, RI and VT)

The State Farm Youth Advisory Board announced that KIDS Consortium received a $93,000 service-learning grant for an environmental education initiative in Maine and New England. Grant funds will be used to support “Green” projects at K-12 schools, such as energy efficiency and recycling. Students involved in these projects will have an opportunity to participate in a 2010 Green Schools Student Summit where they will share their projects with students from around the region.

Learn more about the mini-grant application:

Monday, August 3, 2009

Youth Advisory Board Funding Opportunity

All applicants will be notified by the end of January, 2010.

The Youth Advisory Board is currently funding service-learning projects between $25,000 and $100,000 that address the root cause of the following issue areas.
  • Drivers' Safety
  • Access to Higher Education/Closing the Achievement Gap
  • Financial Literacy
  • Natural and Societal Disaster Preparedness
  • Environmental Responsibility

What is the timeline for the grant?
The funding timeline is from February, 2010 to February, 2011.

Are private schools eligible?
Private schools, colleges, governmental organizations and non-profit organizations are all eligible for funding to the extent that they collaborate with and engage K-12 public school curriculum and achievement as part of the grant.

Who is eligible to receive a grant?
All non-profit, tax-exempt organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code are eligible as well as Canadian charitable organizations, educational institutions, and governmental entities.

Can a grant address more than one issue area?
Grants can and often do address more than one of our issue areas. When submitting a grant, it is important that you identify the area that your grant best identifies with. Use the narratives within your application to explain how your grant will address multiple issue areas, but when your grant is submitted it has to be reviewed under one main heading.

Can our organization apply for more than one grant?
Yes, there is no limit to the number of submissions that an organization can make. It is unlikely that our board would select an organization for more than one grant, so your time is best spent focusing on one grant. But, to the extent that you'd like to submit multiple grants, feel free.

Please click here for more details.


Application due August 17, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. Central Time (must be received in our office-not postmarked).

2008-2009 Service-Learning Extension Grant

Any Missouri school district or charter school is eligible.

The National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993 created a new federal agency known as the Corporation for National and Community Service. The Corporation’s purpose is to provide funds, training, and assistance to states in order to develop and expand service opportunities for young people. A portion of this national legislation created the Learn and Serve America Program for state departments of education to fund local schools that wish to implement service-learning. The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has received federal dollars from the Corporation for National and Community Service in order to administer the Learn and Serve Missouri Grants Program.

Focus Areas:

Applicants must incorporate at least one of the following focus areas into their service-learning program. The applicant can also include other community needs it wishes to address.

• Development of a program which include at-risk students/students with special needs/disabilities into a service-learning program.
• Development of an alcohol and/or drug abuse prevention and/or intervention program to reduce the number of alcohol/drug related offenses in the school district.
• Development of an anti-violence/anti-bullying program to reduce the number of bullying or violent offenses between students.

Program Objectives:
Applicants must fall within one of the following program objects in their proposed service-
learning program:

• Projects shall be consistent with the K-12 Standards for Quality Service-Learning Practice;
• Projects shall align service-learning activities with the Show-Me Standards;
• Projects shall meet a real community need determined through a community needs assessment;
• Projects shall show youth participants involved in decision making at some level;
• Projects shall further the development of school partnerships with the community;
• Projects shall encourage the involvement and training of classroom teachers in the planning of service-learning or implementing it into their classroom or school;
• Projects which further intergenerational learning concepts linking the young and old together in the schools;
• Projects shall further the development of school volunteerism; and
• Projects shall be inclusive, reflecting the diversity of the community and the state.

For more information, please refer to their PDF here.

UnitedHealth HEROES Grants Support Youth-Led Innovative Solutions to Leading Health Threat

The application deadline is October 22.

Educators, service-learning coordinators, and students in the health professions are eligible to apply for the UnitedHealth HEROES service-learning project grants. Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that combines meaningful service to the community with school-based curriculum or program-based learning.

Grant recipients will receive up to $1,000 in support for service-learning projects that focus on childhood obesity, engage youth ages 5-25 in the planning and implementation process, and take place during Semester of Service 2010 (MLK Day, January 18, to Global Youth Service Day, April 23-25).

Who is eligible?

* Educators, service-learning coordinators, and students in the health professions.
* States eligible for this year’s UnitedHealth HEROES program include: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin.

How to Apply

* Please begin by completing our Eligibility Quiz.
* If you are eligible, you will be given access the application materials.


* Applications Available: August 1
* Application Deadline: October 22
* Notification: late 2009
* Projects: MLK Day (January 18, 2010) to Global Youth Service Day (April 23-25, 2010)

Resources to Consult

* First Responders: Youth Addressing Childhood Obesity Through Service-Learning, a project planning module that provides the necessary information for school and community educators to develop effective projects.

For more information, click here.

2009 Flu Prevention PSA Contest

The contest deadline is August 17.

Help us protect our families and communities. Create a video Public Service Announcement with the message of preventing or dealing with the flu, post it on YouTube, and you could win a $2,500 cash prize! Create a 15, 30, or 60 second video Public Service Announcement (PSA) that will inform and motivate people to take steps that will help prevent the spread of the flu. Make your video fun, smart, and entertaining. There are two steps that need to be taken to enter this contest.

Produced video should be posted to YouTube as a video response to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius' call for contest entries. You will need to have a YouTube account in order to do this. You also need to be sure to fill out and submit the online form at this website: http://flu.gov/psa/index.html